Mi vida en las selvas tropicales


Publicaciones seleccionadas (1990-2011)


Rodríguez Luna, E., A. Gómez Pompa, J. C. López Acosta, Y. N. Velázquez Rosas, Y. Aguilar Domínguez, M. Vázquez Torres. 2011. Atlas de los Espacios Naturales Protegidos de Veracruz. Gobierno del Estado de Veracruz.

Gómez-Pompa, A. & T. Kroemer. 2010. Atlas de la Flora de Veracruz: Un patrimonio Natural en Peligro. Secretaría de Educación de Veracruz. Gobierno del Estado de Veracruz. 528 pp.

Ogata, N., A. Gómez-Pompa, & K. A. Taube. 2006. The domestication and distribution of Theobroma cacao L. in the neotropics. In: C. L. McNell (ed.). Gainesville : University Press of Florida.

Juan. J. Jiménez-Osornio, Veronique M. Rorive, Arturo Gomez-Pompa, Holm Tiessen, and Michael F. Allen. 2008. Thinking outside the box: Tropical conservation in both protected areas and the surrounding matrix. In: Holm Tiessen & John W. B. Stewart (eds). Applying Ecological Knowledge to Landuse Decisions. SCOPE,-IAI-IICA. 134-140.

Lubinsky, P., S. Bory, J.Hernández Hernández, S. Kim,, A. Gómez-Pompa. 2008. Origins and Dispersal of Cultivated Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Jacks. [Orchidaceae]). Economic Botany 62 (2): 127-138, June 2008

Lubinsky, Pesach; Cameron, Kenneth M.; Molina, María Carmen; Wong, Maurice; Lepers-Andrzejewski, Sandra; Gómez-Pompa, Arturo; Kim, Seung-Chul. 2008. Neotropical roots of a Polynesian spice: the hybrid origin of Tahitian vanilla, Vanilla tahitensis (Orchidaceae). American Journal of Botany 95 (8): 1040-1047

Gómez-Pompa, A. 2004. Biodiversity research in troubled times. BioScience 54 (3): 219-227.

Gómez-Pompa, A., M. F. Allen and S, Fedick. 2003. Future Challenges in Research. In: Gómez-Pompa, A. et al. (eds.). The Lowland Maya Area: three millenia at the human-wildland interface. The Haworth Press. New York.

Gómez-Pompa, A. 2003. Research challenges to the lowland Maya area: an introduction. In: Gómez-Pompa, A. et al. (eds.). The Lowland Maya Area: three millenia at the human-wildland interface. The Haworth Press. New York.

del Amo, S. & A. Gómez-Pompa. 2001. Las lecciones. In: del Amo, S.(editor). Las lecciones del programa de Acción Forestal Tropical. Plaza y Valdez Editores. Mexico City. 19-29.

Gómez-Pompa, A. and A. Kaus. 1999. From prehispanic to future conservation alternatives: lessons from Mexico. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96:5982-5986.

Heaton, H. J., R. Whitkus, and A. Gómez-Pompa. 1999. Extreme ecological and phenotypic differences in the tropical tree chicozapote (Manilkara zapota (L.) van Royen) are not matched by genetic divergence: A RAPD analysis. Molecular Ecology 8: 627-632.

Gómez-Pompa, A. 1999. La conservación de la biodiversidad en México: mitos y realidades: mitos y realidades. Bol. Soc. Bot. México. 63:33-41.

Whitkus, R., M. de la Cruz, L. Mota-Bravo & A. Gómez-Pompa. 1998. Genetic diversity and relationships of wild cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) in Southern Mexico. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 96:621-627.

Gómez-Pompa, A. 1998. Vegetation of the Maya region, p. 39-51. In The Maya. Rizzoli Corrieri de la Sera, Italy.

de la Cruz, M., R. Whitkus, A. Gómez-Pompa & L. Mota-Bravo. 1995. Origins of cacao cultivation. Nature 375:542-543.

Gómez-Pompa, A. 1996. Three levels of conservation by local people, p. 347-356. In di Castri, F. and T. Yoúnes (eds.). Biodiversity, Science, and Development. Towards a New Partnership. CAB International.

Gómez-Pompa, A. & R. Dirzo. 1995. Reservas de la Biosfera y otras areas protegidas de México. Publicación de SEMARNAP y CONABIO. México. 159 pp.

Gómez-Pompa, A. 1997. Biodiversity and agriculture: friends or foes?. In: Robert A. Rice, Ashley M. Harris and Jennifer McLean (editors).Proceedings of First Sustainable Coffee Congress. Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center. Smithsonian Institution.

Gómez-Pompa, A. & D. A. Bainbridge. 1995. Tropical forestry as if people mattered. In: A. Lugo & C. Lowe (eds.) Tropical forests: management and ecology. Springer Verlag. 408-422.

Gómez-Pompa, A. & A. Kaus. 1992. Taming the wilderness myth. BioScience 42 (4): 271-279.

Gómez-Pompa A, J. S. Flores-Guido, M. Aliphat. 1990. The Sacred cacao groves of the Maya. Latin American Antiquity 1: 247-257.

Gómez-Pompa, A. 1990. Response to the article of M. Chapin "Seduction of Models: Chinampa Agriculture in Mexico. Grassroots Development 14 (2): 49-52.