Systematics and Ecology of Myxomycetes of the El Edén Ecological Reserve

Nisao Ogata

UC Riverside
Dept. of Botany & Plant Sciences
Riverside CA 92521 USA
phone: (909) 787-4686
fax: (909) 787-4748


Antonio Andrade-Torres

Instituto de Ecología
Depto. de Sistemática Vegetal
4a de 16 de Septiembre 127
Col. Centro
Coatepec, Veracruz 91500 México
phone: (52-28) 16-1674

We are presenting the preliminary results on the systematics and ecology of Myxomycetes in the ecological reserve "El Edén".

Richness, abundance and diversity of Myxomycetes were determined on fallen leaves and logs in an area of 300 m2 of selva mediana subperennifolia during two consecutive years. The growth of Myxomycetes was evaluated on barks of twelve species of living trees (two palms) and moist chamber conditions.

The tree species chosen were: Acoelorraphe wrigthii, Annona glabra, Bursera simaruba, Brosimum alicastrum, Byrsonima bucidaefolia, Guettarda combsii, Haematoxylon campechianum, Erythroxylum areolatum., Lysiloma latisiliquum, Manilkara sapota, Metopium brownei, Thrinax radiata y Vitex gaumeri.

To date, 22 species of Myxomycetes, in 222 collections, have been determined. From these, 18 species, in 133 collections, were found in the 300 m2 fragment of selva mediana subperennifolia. Seven species, in 89 collections, were found growing in the barks under moist chamber conditions.

From the 18 species of Myxomycetes found in the quadrant, the most abundant were:

Arcyria cinerea


Dictydium cancellatum


Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa


Hemitrichia calyculata



Arcyria denudata with 31, 27, 20, 12 y 11 collections respectively. The rest of the species were represented by less than ten collections.

The barks in moist chamber with the higher number of species of Myxomycetes were: V. gaumeri (5), M. zapota (3), M. brownei (3), G. elliptica (3), B. alicastrum (2), B. crassifolia (1), E. sp. (1), H. campechianum (1). In Annona glabra, B. simaruba y T. radiata no species were recorded.

The most abundant species of Myxomycetes found in the barks were:

Lamproderma arcyrionema

Cribraria violacea y Arcyria cinerea con 28, 25 y 17 collections. The rest of the species were represented by less than ten collections.

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